God so Loved the World $595.00 24 x 36 inches
Script appearing on piece:

John 3: 16 - For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten on that who ever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

This mixed media creation portrays Jesus on the cross on Friday between 12 noon and 3 pm when history records that the whole earth became dark for 3 hours , the temple curtain was ripped in two, there was an earthquake and tombs opened and bodies were raised. ( Luke 23: 44 & Matt. 27 : 45 ) Hand made papers, paint, text and collage are layered over canvas to create this dramatic image. Metallic paint is used to high light the stars and the earths glow and is also seen in the reflection in the clouds.

(unframed - contact for framed price)

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  The Proclamation $895

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  God so Loved the World $595

This mixed media creatio...


Then all the skilled artisans on the dwelling made 10 tapestries of fine twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet fabric with an angel, cherubim worked into the material.

Exodus 36:8

Your work is one of a kind. I love it.
Larry H.

About Shelley

For designer and artist Shelley Barr, "God is in the details". This belief has earned her the affectionate nickname "the detail lady". Whether Shelley is creating a textile wallhanging or mixed media on canvas, it's her attention to details that makes the difference.