
Olympic Fever !!

I would be the first to admit I am not an athlete. Growing up in Nova Scotia I never mastered riding a bike or skating fact anything that required coordination. How I have managed to climb ladders for many years to do visual displays is beyond me ! So I have some difficulty relating to the fever over the winter Olympics that are now being hosted in B.C. But it has increased the pride I feel for this country of Canada that I love .

As athletes, sports fans and news crews have poured into Vancouver I have to wonder how many are aware of the prophetic call upon Canada as a peacemaker to the nations . I incorporated this theme into my wallhanging titled O Canada . It features a maple tree as a symbol of Canada and english and french textiles to represent our bilingual heritage. It is detailed with the text - the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.

So as Canada hosts these games I pray that the spirit of peace will prevail. And when everyone returns to their homeland they will not only carry metals and memories with them but friendships that will last a lifetime. And that the Olympic fever will turn into a fervor for peace around the world.


She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.

Proverbs 31:13

Your creations are beautiful.
Cam B.

About Shelley

For designer and artist Shelley Barr, "God is in the details". This belief has earned her the affectionate nickname "the detail lady". Whether Shelley is creating a textile wallhanging or mixed media on canvas, it's her attention to details that makes the difference.